Our Collaborative Initiatives 

POTENCIAR designs and implements Collaborative Initiatives (CIs). CIs aim to address problems identified through working on issues in the provision of basic services. The identified issues are a priority for citizens, and their resolution have tangible impact for marginalised people, such as women, young people, and persons with disabilities (PWDs).

The CIs actively involve excluded voices in its design and implementation following a citizen-centred approach. These partnerships focus on raising the voice of diverse groups and ensuring they are heard on issues affecting them.

They promote joint work and collaboration among key stakeholders including state actors, civil society organisations and the private sector. The partnerships that emerge align efforts, thinking and resources to progress shared goals. 


Since its inception in November 2020, the programme has implemented five CIs in the area of health and social protection.

Overview of CIs and Key Activities

Training of health unit directors, visits with health inspectors, and sharing of good practice between health units, state and non-state actors

Promoting civic engagement activities and social accountability with radio debates, and enhancing joint strategic planning with collaboration seminars such as PESOD 2024

Promoting the inclusion of ethics and deontology modules in the training of health professionals and disseminating the nurses code of conduct

Political Economy Analysis on the social protection sector and mapping of spaces of dialogue

Seminars promoting multi-sectoral sharing of good practices, and annual national conference on GRMs